Trump and the STUPID ASSED KIDS!


Jury Hears Tape of Trump and Cohen Discussing Hush-Money Deal

Trump is a VICTIM?

Trump defense portrays Trump as victim, payday opportunity for celebrities


Donald ‘Von ShitzInPantz’ is officially in the hush-money-trial record

Hope ‘THE DOPE’ Hicks (Hicks licks Donald’s dick, when she can find it), testifies (testicles) against Donald Von SHITZINPANTZ  (Trump who is ‘FARTING while SLEEPING’ in court now.)!

Hope Hicks witnessed nearly every Trump scandal. Now she must testify.

Meanwhile, those DUMB COLLEGE KIDS

Bernie Sanders worries young people are underestimating Trump threat

They are STUPID.  The College Kids!  STUPID AS TRUMP, and that is REALLY STUPID!  Pecker-Head STUPID!

By the way, to all the DUMBASS COLLEGE KIDS:  HAMAS is TRADING Israeli and Palestinian bodies for HAMAS LIVES who were PRISONERS!  They deserved to be PRISONERS!

HAMASIANS are just like RUSSIANS, they are all TERRORISTS!

To all those College Kids protesting the WAR in Gaza:  WHY ARE YOU NOT PROTESTING AGAINST HAMAS!  You are NOT Pro-Palestinian.  You are ANTI-ISRAEL!  Hamas STARTED THE WAR! (Just like Putin and his Russians started the war against The Ukraine.  Why aren’t you protesting that?  Too!)  Hamas killed JEWS on October 7th 2023.  (Russians have been KILLING Ukrainians for over two years!)  Hamas took Jews as HOSTAGES.  Hamas has been USING Palestinians as HUMAN SHIELDS since then!  YOU are being USED by HAMAS much like the Palestinians have been used.  (How’s it feel to be USED?  Used like a CONDOM!)  Protest against HAMAS and Israel!  Don’t be stupid.  But take your STUPID PROTEST off the American College Campuses and GO TO GAZA, you feeble idiots!  What?!  You are TOO CHICKEN!  You bunch of Chickenshits!

No wonder you’re voting for Trump.  Trump is a CHICKENSHIT TOO!  Ask Trump what he did during THE WAR!  That’s right, Trump DODGED THE DRAFT so he could keep from catching an STD, his own personal Vietnam.  Trump is a CHICKENSHIT as well as a SCUMBAG and Bigly PIG! 

Protest AGAINST HAMAS as well as Israel!  Gawd!  For College Kids YOU SURE ARE STUPID!

Stupid College Kids!

About muckibr

I have a lot to say. A lot! Read my blogs if you're at all interested in what REAL PEOPLE think about these FAKES!
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